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Sacred Transformation Retreat in Costa Rica

  • Con Smania CR, Playa Buena Vista Sámara, Provincia de Guanacaste Costa Rica (map)

Sacred Transformation Retreat in Costa Rica

Soul Full Camp for Women, Costa Rica

Join us for this seven-day transformative retreat. Experience a powerful life shift in one of earth’s most restorative destinations.

Experience deep connection and transformation as you let go of what no longer serves you. You’ll be digging into what’s holding you back and changing your life through soul searching sessions, meditation, yoga, journaling, deep discussions, sound and plant healing. In addition to the deep transformative work, you will also experience amazing opportunities as we explore Costa Rica.

This fully immersive experience will take you away to heal your body, mind and spirit. You will walk away with…

  • The gift of fully knowing and loving yourself.

  • Clarity of what fuels you and possibilities for your future.

  • The ability to identify and release limiting beliefs, patterns or blocks that hold you back.

  • A new sense of self: worthiness, passion, calm, peace, purpose, joy and excitement for your life.

  • Deep connections with soul sisters who are also on their own wellness journey.

  • The benefits to your body, mind, and spirit that come from playing, resting, and rejuvenating.

  • A deeper connection to Mother Earth.

  • Memories to last a lifetime

Are you ready to embark on a sacred transformation journey with other inspired women? We are waiting to welcome you to your Soul Full Adventure!

We are offering 10 Early Bird Spots at a reduced rate of $3,299 USD for a shared room or $4,799 USD for a private room. Payment plans available.

Ten Early Bird spots are available, after they are gone pricing will increase to $4,299 USD for a shared room or $6,499 USD for a private room.

Learn more about this incredible, once in a lifetime, transformational experience!

What is Soul Full Camp?

Every year Soul Full Camp helps hundreds of women, just like you, create change in their lives.

Each Soul Full Camp experience features unique breakout sessions led by artists, musicians, authors, spiritual practitioners, energy healers, movement, personal growth and development specialists from all over Ontario.

Soul Full Camps are based on 6 key elements:

  1. Becoming aware of that small whisper of your heart’s desire to create change or consider ”what if?” and to rediscover your sense of self.

  2. Letting go by letting your heart play the leading role in your life. Awakening that little girl within, and reclaiming that sense of wonder and playfulness.

  3. Finding your courage by getting truthful. Being honest about how you feel and facing those feelings rather than burying or pushing them away.

  4. Discovering a connection to self by nourishing your mind, body and spirit and aligning to what fuels your passion so that you can live a fulfilled life.

  5. Joining community, like-minded women who life you up and walk with you side by side along this journey called life.

  6. Accepting yourself. The key step in creating the life you desire.

Gift yourself the beauty of space as you reclaim your sense of self in this season of your life.

Space to be heard
Space to be held
Space to be nurtured
Space to be loved
Space to matter
Space to heal

Become part of the Soul Full Camp Sisterhood! Sign up for our newsletter and receive updates on events plus some pretty great content!

March 2

Soul Full Day - Step Into Your Power

June 14

Soul Full Camp - June Retreat in Bancroft