Meet Jenny McKee

Motivational Speaker

Self Discovery Workshop Facilitator

Soul Full Camp Co-Founder & Facilitator

“Just for Today” Journal & Deck Creator

Inspirational Speaker
Dreamboard Workshop Facilitator
Soulfull Camp Co-Founder & Facilitator
“Just for Today” Journal & Deck Creator

Meet Jenny

I share my story through my workshops, seminars and events so that other women will know that they too can be, do, or have anything that lights up their soul.

For MANY years, I lived in a cloud of depression and anxiety. I was always sad, cried A LOT, and would wake every morning in full panic mode just thinking about the day ahead.

I call this my FUNK. I would, quite simply, shut down due to overwhelm and anxiety. Nothing would get done and I felt like I failed myself and everyone around me.

I wasn’t “that” mom, wife, friend or business owner I knew I COULD be but I felt powerless to make a change. I didn’t feel I was worth it and I felt selfish for wanting it.

I ended up in a downward spiral. My relationships suffered, my family and my health suffered and so did my career.

With help and being consistent with my own personal development, I started to discover who I truly was and how my THOUGHTS created my reality. This mind shift changed my life. I started to recognize that I WAS worth it and that I was far more capable and stronger than I ever thought possible.

AND…. it was AMAZING what happened!

I got happier. My health improved. I felt CREATIVE and INSPIRED! I was in my FLOW and that’s when the magic began to happen and my dreams were in reach.

THE FUNK still shows up from time to time, but now I have the tools to get me out of that funk… and back into my FLOW much quicker and much easier.

My motto is “Dream. Believe. Become”.

When we DREAM big and BELIEVE in possibilities (and ourselves) we can BECOME (and achieve) everything we desire.